McConchie legislation to eliminate drainage districts passes committee

Elimination of layer of government could help reduce property taxes

Legislation aimed at consolidating government and reducing property taxes by allowing for the dissolution of water drainage districts passed unanimously out of the Senate’s Local Government Committee last week. State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) said Senate Bill 90 is a small, but important step in reducing the property tax burden in Illinois.

“There are a lot of areas, especially in suburban regions, that used to be farmland but are now commercial and residential,” said Sen. McConchie. “Many of these areas are still paying taxes to a drainage district, even though the municipality and county are often already taking on drainage responsibilities.”

Senate Bill 90 outlines the process for a drainage district to be dissolved and allows the drainage district to be taken over by other units of government if at least 50 percent of the drainage district is in a municipality. SB 90 requires both the municipality and the county to reduce or eliminate the property tax levy when they assume drainage responsibilities.

Current law allows drainage districts to dissolve themselves but there is no process in place for other units of government to take over responsibility for drainage.

Dan McConchie

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