Sen. McConchie, Let It Be Us to host Adoption & Foster Care Information Fair

Seeks to increase the number of foster families in Lake County

In an effort to address the shortage of foster families, Let It Be Us is holding an Adoption and Foster Care Information Fair on Saturday, May 4 in Libertyville. The event, hosted by State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods), seeks to increase the number of Lake County residents who become licensed foster parents.

Saturday, May 4, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Libertyville Civic Center
135 West Church Street
Libertyville, IL

Along with Sen. McConchie, other sponsors include:  Lake County State Attorney Mike Nerheim, Lake County Sheriff John Idleburg, Illinois State Senator Julie Morrison, Illinois State Senator Terry Link, Illinois State Representative Mary Edly-Allen, and State Representative Rita Mayfield.

This town hall style event features a panel of experts as well as agencies offering foster care licenses, which is the first step to becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The event will also feature time for questions and answers.

“Illinois is home to 18,000 children who are in foster care,” said Sen. McConchie. “Unfortunately, there is a desperate need for new foster families throughout the state and right here in Lake County. In fact, Illinois has 20 percent fewer licensed foster homes than what is needed. I encourage anyone, who has ever considered becoming a foster parent, to come to this event to learn more about how you can make a difference in a child’s life.”

“There simply aren’t enough foster families to take care of the children in care of the state of Illinois, and Lake County has an especially dire need for more foster parents,” said Susan McConnell, Executive Director of Let It Be Us.  “We appreciate Sen. McConchie’s commitment to the more than 18,000 Illinois children in care and his support to find appropriate families for them.”

Since Let It Be Us’ inception in 2015, more than 2,000 Illinoisans have attended this program—many of them making the choice to become licensed foster parents.

The Adoption & Foster Care Information Fair is free and open to the public, and there is no cost to become a foster or adoptive parent.

For more information and to register, click here.

Dan McConchie

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