This week, Governor J.B Pritzker delivered his annual state budget address proposing the biggest budget in Illinois history, and unfortunately it was no surprise that he wants to raise your taxes to help pay for it.
Governor Pritzker’s budget would raise taxes by more than $1 billion to spend a billion on the migrant crisis and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. While there are always some good things in a budget, this proposed state budget does not match the priorities State Senator McConchie think would best serve the people of Illinois.
This session I will remain focused on the citizens of this state and push for a transparent budget that centers on spending your money wisely and prioritizing your needs. Below I have highlighted some of the key points within the Governor’s proposed budget.
At the bottom of this email is a way for you to send me your feedback and ask any questions. Senator McConchie looks forward to keeping you updated as the budget discussions progress.
Spending & Revenues
- The largest introduced budget in Illinois history.
- A 4.5% increase from FY24.
- Overall, spending has grown by $12.4 billion, nearly 31% since Pritzker took office.
Proposed Tax Increases – Over $1 Billion from FY24
Individual Tax Increases
- Reduce standard deduction for tax year 2024 from $2,775 to $2,550.
- Sports wagering tax increase from 15% to 35%.
Business Tax Increases
- Extend the Limit on Corporate Net Operating Loss Deductions for the Next Three Years at $500,000 Per Year
- The Governor is proposing a $1,000-per-month cap on the Retailers’ Discount. Currently, Illinois retailers receive a discount of 1.75% of the sales tax due on their retail sales.
- Increase the maximum Corporate Franchise Tax exemption from $5,000 to the first $10,000 of tax liability, reducing available revenues by $10 million.
The Governor is counting revenues that have not yet become law to balance this budget meaning that it could end up being $755 million out of balance.
Governor’s Initiatives
- Non-citizen funding ($811 million).
- $629 million ($440 million GRF) is identified for non-citizen healthcare.
- $182 million for non-citizens as part of a joint $321 million response with City of Chicago and Cook County.
- Funding for non-citizens will total at least $3 billion since FY23.
Smart Start Illinois
Provides over $400 million for the second year of this early childhood initiative ($150 million in new spending):
- $13 million for Department of Early Childhood.
- $200 million for Childcare Workforce Compensation Contracts.
- Increases ISBE’s Early Childhood Block Grant by $75 million.
- Provide an additional $36.5 million for Childcare Assistance Program participation.
- Adds $5 million to expand DHS Home Visiting Program.
Notable Spending Proposals
- Higher Education ($12 million increase)
- PreK-12 Education ($462 million increase)
- HFS/Medicaid ($91 million increase)
- Public Safety Agencies ($15 million increase)
- Human Services Agencies ($716 million increase)
- Pensions ($322 million increase)
Your feedback matters
If help to tell Pritzker “NO” to these new tax hikes, please sign his petition here: Say NO to Tax Hikes Petition
If you have any feedback, concerns, or questions, I would love to hear from you. You can contact me here.